It is surprising to find that many people don’t think that their Aga cooking ranges require sweeping. I suppose that it is not that surprising when I meet people all the time that think their wood-burning stove doesn’t require sweeping. I hear comments such
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Termatech TT40 Wood-Burning Stove Swept in Thaxted
Now here is a German make of stove that I have not come across before, a Termatech TT40 Wood-Burning Stove that I came across recently at an address in Thaxted. Its funny that it was fitted by a local stove company and was not
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Cat & Mouse Thatch in Ashdon
I realized this week that I had not had a thatched animal blog for some time when I saw on the roof of a house we were working in this thatched cat and mouse. Yes, the people living in the house did have a
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Contura 655 Wood-Burning Stove Swept in Stebbing Green
Although I sweep a lot of Contura stoves, they tend to be the smaller models, however I came across this Contura 655 Wood-Burning Stove at an address in Stebbing Green the other day. As you can see from the photo it’s a rather large
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Goodwood Stove in a Holiday Home in Italy
Recently, a chap who had been reading my weekly blog sent me these photos of his Goodwood Stove in the holiday home that he had recently bought in Italy. You might remember that some time ago now I posted a blog about a Goodwood
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Yeoman Devon (Flat-Top) Wood-Burning Stove Swept in Farnham
Probably one of the commonest if not the most common stoves that I sweep in the area. The Yeoman Devon Wood-Burning Stove, I recently swept this one at an address in Farnham. This model is the Flat-Top version, but they also come in a
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Unusual Combination Stove Swept in Stebbing
Yes, this is a rather unusual Combination Stove I recently swept at an address in Stebbing. I have not seen one like this previously, although I do see many other combination stoves, usually Dovre or Nord which seem to be the most common varieties.
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Efel Harmony 1 Wood-Burning Stove Swept in Ashdon
I do see small numbers of these Efel stoves whilst on my travels around the area. I recently came across this one in an address in Elsenham, but I can think of other examples I sweep, two in Kedington, one in Great Bardfield and
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Fireline UK FX5 Multi-Fuel Stove Swept in Great Bardfield
Perhaps not the most interesting of stoves, but certainly a rareaty in these parts; a Fireline UK FX5 Multi-Fuel Stove that I swept recently at an address in Great Bardfield. The customers had inherited this stove, along with a Charnwood C-Five Wood-Burning stove in
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Meg 4.5Kw Contemporary Multi-Fuel Stove Swept in Littlebury
I recently swept this Meg 4.5Kw Contemporary Multi-Fuel Stove at an address in Littlebury – Had to ask the customer what type of stove it was as I had not come across this make before. She informed me that it was a Meg Stove,
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