It may be of interest to my customers to learn, that along with domestic chimney sweeping, I also industrial and commercial sweeping. Here is an example of such work; I recently swept the chimney of this large biomass boiler that is on an estate in
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Boxing Hares – Spring is here at last
As I drive around the area I am constantly drawn to looking at chimneys, it is I suppose an occupational hazard of being a chimney sweep! However, it does occasionally have some happy consequences; for example, just the other day I saw these ‘mad
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Aga/Rayburn Sweeping
Many people mistakenly believe that when their Aga or Rayburn are serviced, the servicing engineer sweeps the chimney/flue; this is not the case. This happened to me just the other day, the customer believed that her Aga flue had been swept regularly when she
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Two satisfied customers
Two satisfied customers, Max and Teddy, enjoy the benefits of their newly cleaned chimney. The stove is an Aga Ludlow a very efficient 5 Kw appliance and the flue was swept quickly and easily using a large Viper (rods on a reel)
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