Home: 01799 599981 Mobile: 0795 6099788 paddy@waldensweeps.myzen.co.uk


Claire Retires and Joins the Business

Posted By paddy

Yes, I have a new partner, well a new business partner! My wife Claire finished with the Metropolitan Police a couple of weeks ago now and has joined me in the business. She doesn’t actually officially retire until 1st September, but until that date she is using up her rest days owed and annual leave entitlement, so to all intents and purposes she is retired. For the past few years Claire has been working as a Murder Detective in London’s East End, so is finding the sweeping work a pleasant, less stressful change! Swapping the streets of East London for the green fields and pretty villages of the local area and the somewhat less than pleasant usual police clientele for all our lovely customers.

Although, Claire won’t actually be doing any sweeping work she will be helping a great deal; helping set up, moving equipment to and from the van, talking with customers, doing the paperwork and taking bookings. To this end she has already made some significant changes. We have moved into the 21st Century with a computerized booking system that Claire is in the process of implementing. This system tracks all jobs, sends reminder texts, plans and directs you to the jobs, automatically completes any require documentation and feeds into an accounting package. Customers can also track our progress on the day of the appointment to see how close we are getting to their appointment and what our actual ETA will be. To run the system we have invested in a new iPad and iphones which have much greater memory capacity allowing us to do all the things I have described.

The humorous card Claire received for her retirement was actually made by a family friend in Wales; I think it is rather well done as well as being funny! I do so like her fetching Learner L-Plate pants! I’m sure she really does have a pair like that???? The bit I’m shouting to her at the bottom of the card reads as follows: ” Claire, how many times must I tell you! Don’t forget to let go of the brush!” I think the little yellow help flag should from hence forward be a standard piece of equipment on the van!

All joking aside, it has been so nice to have Claire working with me, the company and chats and laughs we have during the working day is great and make the day such fun! Its not like being at work at all. Claire is also a great help, and being a farmers daughter she is very practically minded which is an added benefit. The old adage about a labour shared being a labour halved is so true and an extra pair of hands making light work! It has amazed me what a difference she has made, allowing us to get through more work during the day, more quickly and more professionally. Well done Claire, the future of Walden Sweeps is looking good!

Sweeping a Wanders Economic 60 Cassette Multi-Fuel Stove

Posted By paddy

This week one of my jobs was sweeping this Wanders Economic 60 Cassette Multi-Fuel Stove at an address in Ashdon. I thought that I would include this stove in my blog as I don’t do many Wanders stoves and this is the only Wanders Cassette stove that I have come across. So, I have included here it out of interest more than anything else! In the correct setting a contemporary cassette stove can look rather effective and attractive, I think you will agree. Although I know that contemporary is sometimes not to everyone’s taste.

The stove has an unusual double baffle arrangement, with a small hinged bracket over the mouth of the flue and a longer oblong baffle lower down the roof of the stove – This is the baffle that can be seen in the photograph, and which as you can see has been overfired and is reaching the end of its serviceable life.

Wanders are a Dutch company who were established by Henk Wenders and commenced production in 1960’s. Henk Wanders bought an old farmhouse in the village of Netterden close to the German border and obtained the necessary permits and permissions to commence metal processing in and around the farm. In the beginning Wanders supplied metal products mainly to other metal companies, but because their products were so popular and because of the advanced technologies they used the business began to grow. Wanders were the first company in the region to work with laser-controlled machines. Through acquisitions and the use of advanced technologies the company expanded steadily and they extended into stove production. Eventually a whole factory was built on the site that employs a large number of local people. Wanders now not only makes fires and stoves, but constructs mobile chalets, the manufacturing of rope and the produce steel storage racks.

Wanders Fires & Stoves

Amtweg 4, 7077 Al Netterden

The Netherlands




Emergency Calls – A Bird Down the Chimney in Radwinter

Posted By paddy

Not such an unusual call out at this time year when a lot of fledglings are beginning to leave the nest and stage there first stuttering flaps into the outside world. It is not therefore unusual to find that some of these learner fliers end up down a chimney. Sometimes they simply fall out of a nest in a chimney or the nest begins to disintegrate and they fall down the chimney or as in this case, they have taken flight and then unsteadily perched on a chimney before falling in. In fact, in the last week I have attended four callouts involving birds having fallen down the chimney. On some occasions as in this case I was able to get the bird out of the chimney alive, unfortunately this is not all ways the case, but I always try my best to do so. On this occasion I knew there was an issue before I entered the house as there was a parent Jackdaw perched on the open pot frantically calling down the chimney.

In this instance the stove that can be seen in the photograph, was not lined, simply having a stove pipe into the register plate with inspection hatches either side of the stove pipe. Beyond the register plate was a large void beyond which was a large square shaped hole in the outside wall at about head height which formed the bottom of the chimney. This unusual chimney arrangement was there because the house at one time had been the village bakehouse and the chimney was the one that had formally served the bread ovens. The young Jackdaw was hoping between the register plate and this large square shaped opening at the base of the chimney. I waited until he was off the register plate and inside the chimney and then using a 12” Soft Brush I gently eased the bird up the chimney. In fact, the bird rode the top of the brush almost like an elevator to the top of the chimney and the customer was actually able to watch him/her fly out of the top of the chimney.

The customer was most satisfied with the end result, and if you will excuse the pun, was able to kill two birds with one stone, having the bird removed from the chimney and having the chimney swept at the same time. I was also able to give the customer the contact details for a local roofer; Gary Watson in Debden who would be able to fit an anti-bird cowl to her chimney.

Gary Watson: Watson Woolmer Ltd 01799541846 (M) 07736678877

Morso Squirrel in Radwinter Requiring Sweeping & TLC

Posted By paddy

Last week I attended to the needs of this Morso Squirrel Multi-Fuel Stove at an address in Radwinter. As can be seen in the photos this stove has seen some stout service over the winter and was beginning to show some signs of how hard it had been working over the burning season. I was able to give the flue a thorough cleaning out using power sweeping equipment; the photos reveal just how dirty the flue had become over the winter period. I was also able to affect a fire-cement repair to the stove pipe, repaint the top of the stove which was beginning to corrode and to replace the fire-bricks which had started to crumble away. Leaving the stove in a much healthier state than I found it.

Despite its compact design the Morso Squirrel Multi-Fuel Stove is rated at a 5Kw output, which is quite surprising considering its relative size. Morso are a Danish stove company who have been making metal consumer goods since 1953. It was Neils Christensen who founded the Morson Foundry making all sorts of products including metal stable windows, tools, pots and pans and even grave crosses. Around the turn of the century Morso began to start making tiled stoves and room heaters for schools, churches, railsways, government ministries and even to the Danish Royal Family. Indeed, so successful where they, that in 1915 they became the official purveyor of stoves to the Danish Royal Family. Its was in the 1950 when tiled stoves became obsolete that Morso began producing Wood-burning Stoves.

Morso Stoves UK

Unit 14B, Davy Court, Castle Mount Way, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 0UZ





Suffolk Sweeping – Rattelsden & the Old American Airfield

Posted By paddy

I recently spent a day chimney sweeping in Suffolk that I thought might interest people. Many of the places I swept on this day were thatched properties, who had previously had stoves fitted by the Cut Maple Fireplace and Stove company. Clearly, due to insurance requirements, there is an imperative placed upon thatch properties to have their chimneys regularly swept even in these difficult times. I started the day in with a couple of jobs in Haverhill then Calford Green where I did a double sweep, before moving to sweeps in Kedington, Wixoe, Stoke-By-Clare, Cavendish, Glemsford, Lavenham and finally Rattlesden. I have included in this week’s blog some photos of some of the stoves I swept this day.

Cut Maple Fires & Stoves Sturmer Road, New England CO9 4BB 01440788788 07817581296  cutmaple@fireplacesetc.co.uk  www.fireplacesetc.co.uk

I met some really lovely, interesting customers on the day many of whom were working from home or were retired. One customer was a retired army helicopter pilot who had after retiring from the army after lengthy service had worked in the film industry flying helicopter mounted cameras. He told me an number of hair raising stories about crashing at the height of the troubles in the Mountains of Mourne in Northern Ireland due to a mechanical defect and surviving to tell the tale even though he was only armed 

with a 9mm pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. On another occasion after having left the army, the helicopter he was flying was hijacked and he was forced at gun point to fly to Gartree prison in Leicestershire to break out a Category A prisoner. He was forced to land his helicopter in the prison exercise yard and collect the escaping convict. Fortunately, all those concerned were later caught, convicted and sent to prison for lengthy spells.

Having completed my final sweep of the day in Rattlesden I was able to visit the old American airfield, the entrance to which was very close to where I had been working. Amazingly, the main runway is still in place and can be seen in one of the photographs. It is massive, over 50 yards wide and thousands of yards long.

The old control tower is also still in situ and has a number of plaques on it commemorating the airfields wartime activities. The larger of the two plaques commemorates the deeds of Second Lietenant Robert Edward Femoyer which earnt him the Congressional Medal of Honor, America’s highest award for gallantry. The citation reads – “Severely wounded by anti-aircraft fire over Meresburg Germany, LT Femoyer refused painkillers, keeping his mind clear to guide his plane out of danger and save his comrades. Despite extreme pain and loss of blood, he navigated his lone bomber for 2 and a half hours, clinging to the last slender thread of life until his plane

had arrived safely over the English Chanel. LT Femoyer died shortly after landing. The heroism and self-sacrifice of LT Femoyer were in keeping with the highest traditions of the 447th Bomb Group and the US Army Air Corps”.

Rattlesden airfield was built in 1942 as a Class A bomber airfield. The airfield had three intersecting concrete runways, perimeter track and, for USAAF use, hardstands for fifty aircraft and two dispersed, black-painted T-2 hangars. Living and messing sites were on the east side of the field. Situated four miles south of the A14 highway between Stowmarket and Bury St. Edmunds

The airfield was opened in 1942 and was used by the United States Army Air Forces Eighth Air Force. Rattlesden was given USAAF designation Station 126 (RS). Rattlesden, remained without a combat unit until the 447th Bombardment Group (Heavy) arrived from Harvard AAF Nebraska on 29 November 1943. The 447th was assigned a group tail code was a “Square-K”.

The group flew the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress as part of the Eighth Air Force’s strategic bombing campaign and served chiefly as a strategic bombardment organization. The 447th’s first mission from Rattlesden was despatched on Christmas Eve and, during the course of hostilities, another 256 missions were flown from the base.

The group helped to prepare for the invasion of the Continent by attacking submarine pens, naval installations, and cities in Germany; ports and missile sites in France, and airfields and marshalling yards in France, Belgium, and Germany. During Big Week, 20–25 February 1944, the 447th took part in the intensive campaign of heavy bombers against the German aircraft industry. Supported the invasion of Normandy in June 1944 by bombing airfields and other targets near the beachhead. Aided the breakthrough at Saint-Lô in July and the effort to take Brest in September. Pounded enemy positions to assist the airborne invasion of the Netherlands in September. Also dropped supplies to Free French Forces during the summer of 1944.

The 447th turned to strategic targets in Germany in October 1944, placing emphasis on sources of oil production until mid-December. 2nd Lt Robert Edward Femoyer, navigator, won the Medal of Honor for action on 2 November 1944. While on a mission over Germany, his B-17 was damaged by flak and Femoyer was severely wounded by shell fragments. Determined to navigate the plane out of danger and save the crew, he refused a sedative and, for more than two hours, directed the navigation of the bomber so effectively that it returned to base without further damage. Femoyer died shortly after being removed from the plane.

During the Battle of the Bulge, December 1944-January 1945, the group assaulted marshalling yards, railroad bridges, and communications centers in the combat zone. Then resumed operations against targets in Germany, attacking oil, transportation, communications, and other objectives until the war ended. During this period, also supported the airborne assault across the Rhine in March.

After the war, the field was transferred to the RAF on 10 October 1945. For a short while it was used by the RAF for basic training (square bashing) and then as a Ministry of Food buffer depot but was finally inactivated on 15 August 1946. In the 1960s part of the site was used for RAF Bristol Bloodhound surface to air missiles but when this was abandoned the whole airfield was sold during 1967/68.

With the end of military control the land was returned to agricultural use. Today there is not much left of the living and mess sites of the airfield, only part of the main runway and the south & eastern part of the perimeter track still exist plus a few of the hardstands. The most complete area of the airfield today is the Technical No. 1, east of the airfield which still has around 20 buildings left including the large T-2 hangar. The Rattlesden Gliding Group uses the southwest end of the former main runway, with one lane of the former southwest perimeter track being used as a taxiway. The control tower is their club house.


Emergency Calls – A Blocked Chimney in Castle Headingham

Posted By paddy

I’m doing so much safety work at the moment this week I will continue my blog with the theme of emergency call outs. Like last week this week’s emergency was a blocked chimney, although unlike last weeks blog the blockage was not so much in the flue but around the anti-bird cowl mesh. However, that is not to say that there was a significant amount of tar in the flue as well. As tar is most likely to be deposited in the colder parts of the chimney and a chimney becomes increasingly colder the higher up the stack and will be its coldest at the terminal, its not difficult to understand that the majority of tar will be deposited at the top of the stack and as in this case in the cowl/terminal. It’s a little difficult to see in the photograph, but in this instance, tar had totally blocked the mesh around the cowl so that the hot flue gases had no means of escaping the chimney. The result of this being that the hot flue gases were forced back down the chimney and out of the stove into the customers living room. Indeed, this is why the customer had called me; reporting that the stove was smokey and which was filling the room with smoke every time they lit the stove. As can be observed from the photograph, the stove is a Jotul 8 Wood-burning Stove.

The customers were an elderly couple who told me they lit the stove most days and they relied upon it for additional heat as they both felt the cold even on a warm day. I asked them about their burning practices, and they told me that in the evenings before they went to bed, they shut the stove down completely and let it smolder overnight. I explained to them at some length why this was far from best practice, describing how incomplete combustion through starving the fire of oxygen would lead to tar build up in their chimney and pollution being released into the atmosphere. I pointed out that this was probably the cause of the blockage in his chimney and I advised them regarding the correct use of their stove and optimum burning practices.

I was able to successfully clear the cowl of the blocking tar by using rotary power sweeping equipment with a small scrubber cleaning attachment. This attachment is formed from nylon strands that a spun around quickly on the end of special click rods by an 18-volt drill. The nylon strands of the small scrubber attachment have the effect of lightly flicking off the tar from the cowl and inside the liner without causing any damage to these structures. As can be seen in the photos, a significant amount of tar was removed from both cowl and liner, ending up in the bottom of the stove.

In these unusual times, I was able to safely carry out the work by practicing social distancing with the customers who remained in an adjoining room and I was able to speak to them through an open door. I wore full PPE including two pairs of gloves and a facemask with a 3M filter, both the customers also wore facemasks, so we were all able to stay safe and get the job done. The customer even paid online so that there was no exchange of paper! As people are saying, this is the ‘new normal’ and for the time being this is the way we will all have to work, as it does not appear that the Covid-19 Virus will not be going away in the near future.

Emergency Calls – A Blocked Chimney in Glemsford

Posted By paddy

Continuing this week with the theme of emergency call outs, I will be describing an incidence of a blocked chimney I cleared at a property in Glemsford. As can be observed from the photographs, the customer has a Hamlet 5 Multi-Fuel Stove and he was complaining about smoke coming from the stove into the room and that both his Carbon monoxide alarms had gone off. I noticed upon entering the room that the surrounding brick work of the fireplace above the stove, which was painted white, was stained black by smoke. I judged from this evidence and what the customer had told me, that his chimney was potentially blocked. I asked him about his burning practices, and he told me that in the evenings before he went to bed, he shut the stove down completely and let it smolder overnight. I explained to him at some length why this was far from best practice, describing how incomplete combustion through starving the fire of oxygen would lead to tar build up in his chimney and pollution being released into the atmosphere. I pointed out that this was probably the cause of the blockage in his chimney and I advised him regarding the correct use of his stove and optimum burning practices.

I found that he had managed to block the flue with a solid tar build up for the length of the flue from two and a half meters up the chimney right to the top. I removed this blockage using power sweeping equipment. I removed so much tar that I was able to fill an entire large heavy-duty waste sack with unburnt material. As can be observed in the second photograh the tar was solid and when broken up by the power sweeping equipment came out of the flue in large solid lumps. To ensure that the flue was completely clear of tar I checked the liner using my CCTV equipment and I concluded by completing a smoke test. The customer was happy that he was again able to use his appliance safely. I suggested if he was ever in doubt about what he was doing he could look at the ‘useful tips’ page on my website.

Emergency Calls – Old Birds Nest & Bluebottles in West Wickham

Posted By paddy

This week I’m continuing with emergency working due to the corona virus pandemic lockdown. This week as in previous weeks recently I have completed a number of urgent jobs for my customers. One notable job was in West Wickam where the customer had complained that he had swarms of bluebottle flies coming out of the chimney and filling the room along with an unpleasant damp smell. He told me that this had begun to happen since the weather had begun to become warm and that he had found and removed a number of twigs and other nest material from the fireplace that had been damp and smelly. To compound these difficulties, he said that the property was a rental property that he was just about to lease to a new tenant and that he didn’t want him moving into a house that was full of flies that potentially presented a hazard to health. I agreed to attend the address the following day and asked him in the meant time to go to the address and observe the chimney for a small time to ascertain whether the nest was active or not, which he agreed to do. I explained to the customer that under the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981 all birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law and it is thus an offence, with certain exceptions (see Exceptions), to: Intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird. Intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built.

The following day I went to the address where again I spoke with the customer who informed me that he had not seen any birds going to the chimney. I too observed the chimney for a time and saw no bird activity around it. Taken with what the customer had told me about the bluebottle flies and the damp, smelly nest material he had found I determined that the nest was old and redundant and could safely be removed. I did this by using power-sweeping rods (Click Fastening Rods attached to a 36 Volt Cordless drill) and a metal nest flail. I found that the nest occupied the top two meters of the chimney and was relatively quickly removed. I then cleaned the chimney using a power-sweeping scrubber brush. All in all, I removed a large trugs worth of nest material from the chimney (See Photo), this consisted of twigs, decayed bird droppings, fur, bits of carpet, bits of string, and shredded plastic bags. All of this material was damp and rather smelly and had clearly been lying in the chimney redundant for some time – It was not hard to deduce that it was the source of the bluebottle infestation. Needless to say, the customer was very pleased that the nest had been cleared and the source of the bluebottle infestation removed.

Emergency Calls – Bird Down the Chimney in Widdington

Posted By paddy


Clearly, with the current lockdown due to the corona virus pandemic working arrangements are presently strange to say the least! I have been working, but this has been largely to do emergency appointments to correct problems where there is an identified safety issues/concern. When I have been working I have been taking all the government advised safety measures, including wearing full PPE (protective clothing, two pairs of gloves (Latex disposable inside industrial gloves) and 3M filtered facemasks), social distancing, clean dust sheets for each job, industrial wipes to clean hand and van interior after every job and washing all clothing and dust sheets at the end of the working day. The good news is that myself and my family remain symptom free at present.

So as I was saying I have done a number of emergency jobs recently, so I thought I would use one of these for this weeks blog and probably other emergency jobs for subsequent weeks blogs. This week’s blog is something I find myself doing a lot this time of year, removing birds from chimneys. It is that time of year that there are lots of birds about looking to perch on or build nests in chimneys; particularly Jackdaws and pigeons. It is only nature taking its course as the spring moves forward, and who can blame them, chimneys present a warm and easily accessible opportunity to build a nest or just sit and admire the world. The only problem is that birds being birds, they occasionally just fall down the chimney and become trapped! That is exactly just what happened at this thatched property in Widdington. The Jackdaw (see photo’s) had fallen down the chimney and had become wedged about 5 meters up the flue. The first thing the customers knew about it was when they attempted to light their wood-burning stove and their lounge filled with smoke. As can be seen I was able quite quickly able to sweep him out. Unfortunately for the Jackdaw, he was no more, he had passed on, he had gone to a better place, shuffled off this mortal coil, kicked the bucket, fell off the twig etc. At least the customers were happy that they could use their stove again!


Dovre Vintage 35 Stove – Clavering

Posted By paddy

An interesting stove for this week’s blog; a Dovre Vintage 35 Multi-Fuel Stove that I recently swept at an address in the Clavering area. I thought I would include this as one of my blogs as it is such an unusual looking stove. I thought it looks a little bit space-age, a bit like a tiny robot? It is certainly very contemporary as opposed to its name, vintage? The stove is new to the customer, having been installed a year ago, so this was its first sweeping interval. The customer is very pleased with the stove’s performance, saying that it burnt very efficiently.

Dovre are a Norwegian company; the company is actually named after a Norwegian mountain range. There UK head quarters are in Exeter: Falcon Road, Sowton, Industrial Estate Exeter, EX2 7LF – Technical Enquiries: 01392 261950

I hope you like the photo of this unusual little stove? I certainly think the surround and hearth have been done in such a way that they really complement the stove. What do you think?
