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Emergency Calls – A Bird Down the Chimney in Radwinter

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized Emergency Calls – A Bird Down the Chimney in Radwinter

Emergency Calls – A Bird Down the Chimney in Radwinter

Posted By paddy

Not such an unusual call out at this time year when a lot of fledglings are beginning to leave the nest and stage there first stuttering flaps into the outside world. It is not therefore unusual to find that some of these learner fliers end up down a chimney. Sometimes they simply fall out of a nest in a chimney or the nest begins to disintegrate and they fall down the chimney or as in this case, they have taken flight and then unsteadily perched on a chimney before falling in. In fact, in the last week I have attended four callouts involving birds having fallen down the chimney. On some occasions as in this case I was able to get the bird out of the chimney alive, unfortunately this is not all ways the case, but I always try my best to do so. On this occasion I knew there was an issue before I entered the house as there was a parent Jackdaw perched on the open pot frantically calling down the chimney.

In this instance the stove that can be seen in the photograph, was not lined, simply having a stove pipe into the register plate with inspection hatches either side of the stove pipe. Beyond the register plate was a large void beyond which was a large square shaped hole in the outside wall at about head height which formed the bottom of the chimney. This unusual chimney arrangement was there because the house at one time had been the village bakehouse and the chimney was the one that had formally served the bread ovens. The young Jackdaw was hoping between the register plate and this large square shaped opening at the base of the chimney. I waited until he was off the register plate and inside the chimney and then using a 12” Soft Brush I gently eased the bird up the chimney. In fact, the bird rode the top of the brush almost like an elevator to the top of the chimney and the customer was actually able to watch him/her fly out of the top of the chimney.

The customer was most satisfied with the end result, and if you will excuse the pun, was able to kill two birds with one stone, having the bird removed from the chimney and having the chimney swept at the same time. I was also able to give the customer the contact details for a local roofer; Gary Watson in Debden who would be able to fit an anti-bird cowl to her chimney.

Gary Watson: Watson Woolmer Ltd 01799541846 (M) 07736678877

Written by paddy

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