Yes, I know, sometimes I get carried away with a theme, here is yet another monster stove; this is a Hergom Franklin 82 Combination Wood-Burning Stove. I swept this example recently at a Thatched property in Rickling. Although I sweep one or two Hergom stoves, this is the only example of the Hergom 82 that I have seen in the area, or anywhere for that matter! As can be seen from the photo, it is something of a massive beast, and it has to be, as the room in which it is located is a hall type room with a rather high-pitched roof, so it needs a lot of heating to get the place warm. Certainly, when it is in operation kicks out a huge amount of heat – According to the customer that is.
Although the name Hergom would suggest a Scandinavian stove manufacturer, these stoves are actually made in Santander in Spain. The companies advertising blurb tells us that: Hergom’s appliances are well designed, efficient with a sophisticated double combustion system. Through there innovative internal structure Hergom stoves provide maximum heat and fuel performance with minimal emissions of unburnt particles into the atmosphere. Hergom is one of Europe’s largest and most established manufacturers of cast iron stoves and cookers. Their stoves are forged its state the art foundry in Santander in northern Spain, with Hergom owning their own foundry they use the finest cast iron as the primary material in their production stoves, they understand cast iron and its resilience as a material for hearth and fireplace products. Durability, unique forming and thermal initia give cast products the edge in the market.
The company manufacture a range of different models of stove including the E20, E30, E40, the Mnachester, the Crafytsbury, the Glance, the Mallorca, the Sere Inset and the Laredo.
Industrias Hergóm
S.L. Soto de la Marina,
+34 942 587 000