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This will make you laugh – A Register Plate in Clavering – No Parking!

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized This will make you laugh – A Register Plate in Clavering – No Parking!

This will make you laugh – A Register Plate in Clavering – No Parking!

Posted By paddy

No Parking! – Well I have seen some strange sights, but this really does take the proverbial biscuit and did make me laugh when I saw it! Is this revenge on the parking system, or is it just an example of effective recycling? Or did the stove fitter run out of steel plate or is it as I suspect a bit of amateurish DIY???? Just when you think you have seen it all something else crops up – That’s life and chimney sweeping I suppose! Having said all this, the plate was doing everything that it needed to do, it was structurally sound and was sealing the chimney from the room – The appliance was lined by the way! I hope everyone out there found this as amusing as I did!

Written by paddy

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