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Taking Flight in Thatch – Golden Eagle

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized Taking Flight in Thatch – Golden Eagle

Taking Flight in Thatch – Golden Eagle

Posted By paddy

Now this is a rather majestic piece of thatched statuary, this soring golden eagle. This is another fine example of the master thatcher’s craft by Clive Dodson, Master Thatcher of Cambridgeshire. I think it is amazing that with just a bit of straw he has been able to capture the movement of flight in this awesome bird of prey. From where I’m looking this eagle looks like its just about to take off and burst into flight as it spreads its wings. Truly terrific.

The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the best-known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the most widely distributed species of eagle. Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. These birds are dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their napes. Immature eagles of this species typically have white on the tail and often have white markings on the wings. Golden eagles use their agility and speed combined with powerful feet and massive, sharp talons to snatch up a variety of prey, mainly haresrabbits, and marmots and other ground squirrels. Golden eagles maintain home ranges or territories that may be as large as 200 km2 (77 sq mi). They build large nests in cliffs and other high places to which they may return for several breeding years. Most breeding activities take place in the spring; they are monogamous and may remain together for several years or possibly for life. Females lay up to four eggs, and then incubate them for six weeks. Typically, one or two young survive to fledge in about three months. These juvenile golden eagles usually attain full independence in the fall, after which they wander widely until establishing a territory for themselves in four to five years.

Once widespread across the Holarctic, it has disappeared from many areas which are now more heavily populated by humans. Despite being extirpated from or uncommon in some of its former range, the species is still widespread, being present in sizeable stretches of EurasiaNorth America, and parts of North Africa. It is the largest and least populous of the five species of true accipitrid to occur as a breeding species in both the Palearctic and the Nearctic.

For centuries, this species has been one of the most highly regarded birds used in falconry. Due to its hunting prowess, the golden eagle is regarded with great mystic reverence in some ancient, tribal cultures. It is one of the most extensively studied species of raptor in the world in some parts of its range, such as the Western United States and the Western Palearctic.

Here is a selection of Golden Eagle poems I found on the internet:

The Golden Eagle by Victor Buhagiar

His majesty the Golden Eagle

symbol of power, freedom.

It scales high up over the lake

and surrounding vegetation.

It glides around at leisurely speed,

its huge eyes scanning carefully

from its azure world as below there’s tasty prey.

Behold on the fragrant magnolias trees,

big and small birds can be seen.

Around the silky dogwood shrubs,

mice scuttle around,

while around the lake,

long fat fish abound,

Occasionally jumping out of the water,

scales shining attracting attention.

The eagle is satisfied,

there’s plenty to feed its young.


I particularly like this Golden Eagle poem by Denis Martindale

The golden eagle, what a sight!
Across the pond, they know!
A wondrous creature when in flight,
Its silhouette aglow!
Just like an arrow cross the sky,
Angelic-like above,
The kind of bird Man questions why
This life seems not enough…

Yet viewed up close, designs are known,
Each eye that sees so far,
Each feather there so that he’s flown
As if from Earth to star!
With claws to help him land as well,
The mountain face to grip,
So that he’s like a miracle
That’s never meant to slip…

The golden eagle still inspires,
He’s known the whole world wide,
A brilliant bird that one admires,
Regarding each with pride…
Prospectors understand gold’s worth,
Romantics comprehend,
Like eagles that have blessed this Earth,
Let’s soar like eagles, friend!


The Golden Eagle by Mumtaz

How majestic is the sight
Of an eagle taking flight.

Ah! The golden eagle soars high
winging around the azure sky.

Insolently , swiftly flew,
Far below  roared the oceans blue.

Perched on the mountains tower,
Braved the storms by his power.

Like an aeroplane he glides
With wide open wings he slides.

Explores from heights with keen eyes,
circling the infinite skies.

Written by paddy

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