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Large Firebelly Stove Swept in Tindon End

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized Large Firebelly Stove Swept in Tindon End

Large Firebelly Stove Swept in Tindon End

Posted By paddy

I recently swept this large Firebelly Stove in Tindon End. The stove was in a recently refurbished 15th Century farmhouse. A really beautiful property in a fantastic secluded location. But guess what? The lounge were the stove is situates is completely carpeted in white carpet; brand new white carpet that is pristine! So undaunted, I put down plenty of sheeting just to be on the safe side. I certainly didn’t want any soot to go anywhere near that carpet! Needless to say that the carpet was as pristine when I left as when I had arrived.

I believe that the model of Firebelly is an FB2, this stove is specially designed for large rooms and has a 12 Kw output. Toasty warm in the winter and this one was indeed located in a very large room. It should be attached to a 6” flue as indeed this one was. Firebelly are a British company located in Elland, Halifax, West Yourkshire.

Firebelly Stoves

Firebelly Stoves Ltd,
Unit B Marshall hall mills,
Telephone: +44 (0)1422 375582


Written by paddy

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