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Do they have Building Regulations in Cyprus?

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized Do they have Building Regulations in Cyprus?

Do they have Building Regulations in Cyprus?

Posted By paddy

After our recent summer holiday to Cyprus (George & Adrienne’s villa in Latchi again), both Claire and I are beginning to wonder whether they have Building Regulations in Cyprus and if they do, we’re guessing some Cypriots just choose to ignore them! Here are some photo’s of some of the interesting chimneys that we saw, I dread to think what might be going on inside the properties! There seems to be a total disregard for the proximity to combustible materials for one thing. I suspect that many Cypriots just choose to do their own installations and building work, judging by some of the sights. These horrors aside we had a great family holiday as usual, although it was rather warm this summer with temperatures over 40 degrees some days. Thank heavens for that cooling breeze that is always present on the north coast.

Written by paddy

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