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Category: Uncategorized

Sweeping in Wales – A Large Double-Sided Woodwarm Stove Swept in Wenvoe Village


Sweeping in Wales – A Large Double-Sided Woodwarm Stove Swept in Wenvoe Village

Posted By paddy

I recently swept the flue for this rather attractive large Double-Sided Woodwarm Stove. This stove was in a house in Wenvoe South Wales. I spent two days in South Wales doing some sweeping work for friends and family in and around Wenvoe; a sort of

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Another Birds Nest Removed – A Monster This Time!


Another Birds Nest Removed – A Monster This Time!

Posted By paddy

Last week I attended a customer who had just moved into a very old farm-house just the other side of Hempstead. The new occupier informed me that the property had stood empty for a long time before they had purchased it. By all accounts the

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A Thatched Animal Having a Stretch – A Flexible Cat Stretching on a Chimney


A Thatched Animal Having a Stretch – A Flexible Cat Stretching on a Chimney

Posted By paddy

How about another thatched animal? Carrying on with the recent theme of cats, here is another picture of a thatched cat. Unfortunately I can’t remember where this thatched cat was; one thing is for sure he certainly is having a good stretch on that chimney.
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Large Birds Nest Removed on the Audley End Estate


Large Birds Nest Removed on the Audley End Estate

Posted By paddy

Last week I attended a large property on the Audley End Estate where I was booked to sweep three large open fires and a large Clearview Wood-burning stove. Everything was fine until I started to sweep the chimney in the main sitting room. There I

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An Aga Little Wenlock Stove & a Chimney Full of Tar


An Aga Little Wenlock Stove & a Chimney Full of Tar

Posted By paddy

Linking in quite nicely with my last blog before Christmas (the sweeping of a small Coalbrookdale stove), this week I solved an issue with successor the Aga Little Wenlock. The Aga Little Wenlock is frequently a tricky little blighter to sweep; this is because usually

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Festive Folklore from the Guild of Master Sweeps


Festive Folklore from the Guild of Master Sweeps

Posted By paddy

Christmas is a time where myths come into play – it’s all part of the fun – and the chimney retains a central role in setting the stage for festive celebrations. For how could Santa Claus enter a home and leave presents, if he couldn’t

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A Happy Christmas to all my Customers – A Snowy Fox Family


A Happy Christmas to all my Customers – A Snowy Fox Family

Posted By paddy

Can I wish all my customers a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas! I hope you all have a great time over the Christmas period and get everything you desire from Santa! Also it is time to make the most of your wood-burning stoves, open fires

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Solving Problems with a small Coalbrookdale Multi-Fuel stove


Solving Problems with a small Coalbrookdale Multi-Fuel stove

Posted By paddy

I recently swept the chimney for this small Coalbrookdale Multi-Fuel stove and encountered a number of problems that had developed in the chimney over an extended period of time. It transpired that the house had recently been purchased by new owners and that the previous

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A Little Bit of Cat and Mouse


A Little Bit of Cat and Mouse

Posted By paddy

Time for another thatched animal I feel and something to cheer everyone up in the middle of this dark December. This one certainly made me smile, with the little mouse being chased by the cat, echoes of ‘Tom and Jerry’ I feel here. Certainly the

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Large Charnwood Stove Swept


Large Charnwood Stove Swept

Posted By paddy

I recently swept this rather attractive Charnwood Stove. I do like a Charnwood, they are attractive, contemporary whilst at the same time being classical and they are very easy to dismantle. The baffle, although heavy in a large stove like this one, simply lifts forwards

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