Yes, I know, sometimes I get carried away with a theme, here is yet another monster stove; this is a Hergom Franklin 82 Combination Wood-Burning Stove. I swept this example recently at a Thatched property in Rickling. Although I sweep one or two Hergom
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The ‘Bio Energy’ stove showroom in Polis, Cyprus
As I mentioned last week, whilst we were staying in Latchi, Cyprus we popped over to nearby Polis where we went it into the ‘Bio Energy’ stove showroom. Here we met two of the guys who work there, Alex and Simon who were most
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A Spring Break in Latchi Cyprus
It was probably noticed that there was no weekly blog from Walden Sweeps during the past two weeks. This was because Claire and I decided to have a spring break in Cyprus and to see if it was any warmer than the weather in
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A trip to Visit Liverpool University and some Georgian Age Chimneys
A couple of weeks ago we trekked up to my hometown Liverpool in order to visit Liverpool University with my youngest daughter Katie who has an offer from Liverpool to study Geology. Fortunately, we had as our guide my twin brother Mick a university
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Bardfield End Green – Barbas Falcon 66-56 Wood-Burning Stove
In recent weeks my blog has mentioned a number of large stoves, so here is another monster stove; this is a Barbas Falcon 66-56 Wood-Burning Stove. I swept this example recently at an address in Bardfield End Green. As can be seen from the

Annual Welsh Chimney Sweeping Holiday
At the end of January, we spent our usual annual couple of days sweeping in Wales, for free! This involves sweeping the chimneys of Claire’s dad’s friends in the Wenvoe farming community. As usual six addresses were swept in and around Wenvoe and much
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Little Bardfield – Vermont Defiant Wood-Burning Stove
I know that I have featured Vermont stoves in my blogs previously, but I couldn’t resist choosing this one for this week’s blog, as you can see, it is something of a monster stove. Yes, it is quite a massive stove, with a
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Little Sampford – Dunsley Highlander 5 Multi-Fuel Stove
Not a make of stove that I have featured before in my weekly blog, and yet I do see quite a few Dunsley Stoves around the local area. Usually, the Dunsley’s I do see are the more modern, contemporary models that they manufacture.
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Shepreth – Varde Ovne Multi-Fuel Stove
Here is a make of stove that I have not come across before, Varde. Yes, not a well known manufacturer of stoves, this example is a Varde Ovne Multi-Fuel Stove which I recently swept at an address in Shepreth. It is unusual as
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Littlebury – Jotul F483 Multi-Fuel Stove
I do love a contemporary cylindrical stove, they are just so modern and stylish and look fantastic when alight. This example is a Jotul F483 Multi-Fuel Stove that I recently swept in Littlebury, but I do sweep a few other examples of the
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