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Large Firebelly Stove Swept in a Farmhouse

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized Large Firebelly Stove Swept in a Farmhouse

Large Firebelly Stove Swept in a Farmhouse

Posted By paddy

I recently swept this rather large, attractive woodburning stove in a farmhouse close to Thaxted. The stove was a make and model I had nor come across before, the rather aptly named Firebelly (As this particular stove had a rather ample firebox; as you can see from the photograph). With a little research I discovered that Firebelly are actually a UK stove manufacturer based in Halifax in West Yorkshire, their full address is:

Firebelly Stoves Ltd,

Unit B Marshall Hall Mills,

Elland, Halifax, West Yorkshire




I found this particular model to be rather elegant and attractive and it was very easy to work on and came apart and back together rather easily thanks to its intelligent design. The only issue with this sweep was the white carpets throughout the downstairs of the premises (Every sweeps nemesis). So I was careful to put down plenty of sheeting, particularly as the customer wasn’t sure how long it was since the flue was last swept. As it turned out, this was a very wise precaution as the flue was very dirty and a large quantity of very fine soot was ultimately removed from the appliance following sweeping. Yet another satisfied customer.

Written by paddy

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