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Stocking Green – Wamslea 900 Solid Fuel Range

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized Stocking Green – Wamslea 900 Solid Fuel Range

Stocking Green – Wamslea 900 Solid Fuel Range

Posted By paddy

Here is something unusual that I just had to include in my blog, this is a Wamslea 900 Solid Fuel Range that I swept recently in a house in Stocking Green. Unfortunately, it had a rather tricky factory made chimney arrangement with an internal soot collection trap, which made it very awkward to sweep and as it was extremely sooty, difficult to keep the soot out of the room – I managed it though!

Interestingly, the customer told me that it is the only range cooker in production that stays cold to the tough when it is in operation, he said that he specifically bought this range for that reason when his children were very young. No burnt fingers in this house! This said he had to get the stove shipped directly from Bavaria in Germany where these stoves are manufactured as 20 years ago, they were not available in the UK. However, a quick search on the internet reveals that a number of different range models in many different colours are now available on the UK market through a number of dealerships.

Written by paddy

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