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Vixen and her Cubs on a roof in Walberswick

Saffron Walden Sweeps Uncategorized Vixen and her Cubs on a roof in Walberswick

Vixen and her Cubs on a roof in Walberswick

Posted By paddy

Constantly looking at chimneys, I quite often get to see thatched animals on thatched roofs whilst I am working. This is not the case on this occasion, I noticed these thatched animals whilst I was on holiday for a week in February at Walberswick on the Suffolk coast. So, here is a real country scene for this week’s thatched animal blog, a vixen walking along the ridgeline of a thatched cottage, followed by her cubs. As mentioned previously, the vast majority of thatched animals are linked to countryside scenes or pursuits like hunting. This is I suppose the way we would expect things to be, as most thatched cottages are in the countryside. Country people enjoying country scenes atop their thatched cottages, what could be more picturesque and apposite!

Written by paddy

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