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Thatched Animal – A Cat having a stretch

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Thatched Animal – A Cat having a stretch

Posted By paddy

Here is another of those thatched animals everyone likes to see; this one is of a cat having a good stretch. Obviously the cat would seem to have just woken up and is having a good cat like stretch. It seems to me that the majority of my customers either have cats or they have dogs in their homes. However, a small number of people have both cats and dogs, and it is always a surprise to me that cats and dogs can get on with each other within the confines of the home. Indeed, in many instances they appear genuinely friendly with each other and protective of each other. Quite amazing I think you will agree?

The Latin name for the domestic cat is Felis Catus, which literally translates as Woodland Cat. The dictionary definition of cat describes them as a small carnivorous mamal, typically furry.

Written by paddy

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